A New Beginning

Ex-Bound Cover 1

Two years ago, I decided to start working on my original comic Heights!, and I have had a blast with it ever since. I’ve also gained quite a lot of knowledge and experience thanks to it, both as a writer and as an artist. Which in turn helped me acquire the insight that, if I wanted to finish the comic in a reasonable amount of time, I would have to short it down.

Originally in the making of Heights!, I had planned the main story as well as a couple of side stories, and I have now, thanks to my work on the comic, realized that I need to cut out the side stories and focus all of my attention solely on the main story. Which of course meant that I had to start over completely since the structure of the story as a whole needed to be changed from scratch.

Since the day I decided to pick up the pen and get serious with my passion I’ve improved a bunch, and I’m now confident that there will be no more rebooting of Mikko’s adventure. This time I’m going into it as a way more experienced and prepared individual, who’s well aware of how much time and work that goes into comic creation. Especially as an indie creator who has to manage school and/or a paying job before he can make time for drawing.

Also, for those of you that might have followed my work on Heights!. To you, I apologize. But this is simply a necessary step on the stairways of my art journey. 😉

So with that said… Here’s the result of my recent realization, as well as the new beginning of Mikko’s story. I present to you my new original comic: Ex-Bound! You’ll find it in the Web Comics section.

Heights! – Book 1

Book 1 - True Cover
Eventually, when I’ve revamped all the current chapters of Heights!, I’m going to fix some physical copies of the first book. And I’ve been thinking for a while about how I would like the design of the book cover to be, pretty damn sure I’ve found it now though! The thought of holding a physical copy of my comicbook in my hands… Holy crap, that’ll surely leave a big feeling of satisfaction in my gut!



This is my first original series. It’s an epic in which we follow Mikko on her journey to a landmark called “the stairways through heaven.”

My goal is to update it monthly, though I might not always succeed seeing that I have studies and/or a paying job to take care of as well. You know, stuff I need to do in order to survive.

Anyways, you can find it in the Web Comics section!


Welcome to my art blog. It acts as a platform for me to upload my comics and illustrations. In other words, it’s an online portfolio!

There’s currently one comic uploaded, a fan-comic of The Last of Us. But there is more to come.

Thank you for visiting and be well! 🙂